
Know how your lips can reveal your personality!

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Lips by Kaz CC by 1.0

You have heard of numerology and how numbers tell you about your nature. But, today you will learn about a whole new study, called lipsology. Yes, it is the latest fad among people around the world. Now, your lips can tell your characteristics and reveal a lot of your personality. So, just grab a mirror, see what shape your lips are, and know what they say about you!

1. Full Lips
People with full lips have a heart full of love. They are supportive and caring, which makes them a superb partner in any of their relationships.

2. Wide Lips
Just like their perfect pouts, people who have wide lips are near perfect and have an outgoing nature. They are extroverts and are full of energy. Great leadership qualities are one of their other characteristics.

3. Full Lower Lip
A lush lower lip means you are very passionate and love pleasure in your life. Getting pampered is your favorite desire in the world. You enjoy luxury and life to the fullest.

4. Rounded Lips
One of the coolest people on earth is the ones who have rounded lips. Why? They love to take risks and have the confidence, energy, and strength to back it up.

5. Thin Lips
People with thin lips have best of both worlds, with opposite attraction. They have a powerful personality, with a sensitive and caring nature, in addition to over-achieving and high ambition characteristics.

6. Heart-Shaped Lips
Just like your heart-shaped lips, you have a heart of gold. The dramatic Cupid’s bow in your upper lip center indicates you are a hard core romantic. What’s more! You are intelligent, creative, and full of energy.

7. Small Mouth with Full Lips
If you have a small mouth with full lips, then you are a bit little self-centered. And, that’s not a bad thing. With a striking pout, such people first want others to fulfill their needs and then only they open up and cater to others.

8. Full Upper Lip
People who have a full upper lip have an eye-catching beauty and personality as well. Such people may often find themselves in the center of drama, particularly in case of steamy relationships.

9. Center-Plumped Lips
With thin lips at the edges and plump in the center, people with these kinds of lips have a natural talent to perform. Moreover, they are self-indulgent, crave attention, and love to take the center stage.



