Australian artist behind nude Trump painting assaulted in Los Angeles

Donald Trump by Michael Vadon CC BY-SA 2.0
The Australian artist based in Los Angeles, Illma Gore, who painted a viral nude portrait of Donald Trump says she received the typical Trump type treatment: someone punched her in the face. She posted photos of her bashed face on Instagram on May 3, 2016 and told that a Trump fan came up to her and hit her in face, while yelling, ‘Trump 2016’. This happened in Los Angeles very close to her house, when she was going home after returning from London.
Illma said that she felt sad over the present state of America and that the supporters of Trump do not have any words left to express their anguish. They have started resorting to water boards, walls and punches. While tagging Donald Trump, she wrote that he should make America decent again.
The artist is receiving criticism on her portrait of Trump, as it allegedly makes fun of Trump’s manhood because of the less-than-remarkable-sized-penis. The supporters of the Republican front runner raised violent protests against Illma and threatened to destroy her works. They also threatened Illma with physical violence.
Illma remarked that she encourages opinion, emotion and passion, particularly through art; but the violence in any form disgusts her. Since her address has been leaked to a third party via Facebook, she says that she feels homeless again. In addition, she says that this kind of aggression makes the artists feel that their creative input in any form is not safe. The portrait is presently displayed in a UK gallery after being censored in America. It has attracted bids for more than £100,000. However, the artist is being intimidated with legal action, if she dares to sell her work.