Amir Bashir | April 24, 2016
Lemonade: Beyoncé Releases New Album on Tidal
Ending the speculation that started a day before the release of her new...
Amir Bashir | April 24, 2016
London Marathon: Thousands of Marathoners joined by Astronaut from Space
Currently taking place in the streets of London where more than 37,000 marathoners...
Amir Bashir | April 22, 2016
Obama to the United Kingdom: Don’t vote for Brexit
At the start of his three-day visit to the United Kingdom, President Barack...
Amir Bashir | April 22, 2016
Revealed: The Money FBI Spent to break into San Bernardino iPhone
According to a Public statement that was issued by the Federal Bureau of...
P.N. | April 14, 2016
Facebook unveils its ‘Surround 360’ open source video camera
In a bid to make its VR content and News Feed turn...
P.N. | April 13, 2016
The Weeknd got 5 awards, Justin Bieber snags fan choice award, but gets booed by his fans!
Justin Bieber was one of the many pop stars at the Junos...
Amir Bashir | April 12, 2016
David Cameron under Immense Pressure to Resign After Panama Leaks
Since its release to the World Media earlier this month, Panama Leaks have...